Monday, February 07, 2005

Staying the course

Fareed Zakaria is one of my favorite political columnists, because he seems very non-partisan. In this one, he discusses when Bush has actually changed course, despite saying that he is staying the course, and why that has ultimately been good for our Iraq policy. And yes, there's the inevitable Lincoln comparison.


  1. I don't get it. I'm glad to hear even grudging praise of the president, but I'm not sure I get the gist of Fareed's argument. He spends most of the article showing how Bush has "flip flopped" and made numerous concessions on fighting the war, just like Lincoln did. Then he preaches to Bush not to be stubborn and be more like Lincoln. First, flexibility and making concessions is different than flip flopping - something which, to me at least, appears lost on those that supported Kerry and got burned by the GOPs flip flop message. As Fareed mentions, Bush has remained steadfast on the goal, while, like Lincoln, he is willing to change tactics to achieve the goal. Second, if Fareed wants to point out Bush's changes over the stubborn charge, then why does he end by saying Bush shouldn't be stubborn.

  2. I'm not sure what the previous comment means.
