Saturday, March 05, 2005

Mark Steyn: one man, one gloat

Requires a free sign-in, but it is definitely worth reading, particularly the parts regarding Wolfowitz and, towards the end, the FREE TIBET bumper sticker set. In my estimation (and many others), Steyn is the best columnist out there. And he's never one to shy away from bold predictions. He's earned this gloat.

And then there's this comical Best of the Web piece in the WSJ with the following excerpt:

The editorialists at the Orange County (Calif.) Register think something
may be going on here:

It is fairly easy to see that something important is happening in
Lebanon, a move in the direction of independence and the idea of a civil
society with democratic underpinnings that is reflected elsewhere in the Middle East. It is more difficult to figure out why it is happening just
now, what forces have converged at this moment.

Man, this is a tough one! We're racking our brain trying to remember if
anything happened recently that might have given a push to proponents of
democracy in the Middle East. Hmm, nope! Still can't think of

Finally, regarding the same Taranto piece, he quotes Daniel Schorr:

During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, President Bush said that "a
liberated Iraq can show the power of freedom to transform that vital

He may have had it right.
Apparently Mr Schorr was aware of the liberation line Bush used prior to the invasion.

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