"President Zelaya remains the democratically elected president and, for the sake of the Honduran people, democratic and constitutional order must be restored," Obama said. "Our three nations stand united on this issue."
Oy! I'm no Honduran constitutional lawyer, and I'm pretty sure our President isn't either, but it seems that ousting Zelaya was restoring order. That guy was bad news and if there was any doubt about it, just look at his supporters. It's hard to fathom how wrong President Obama has been on Honduras. It's about as wrong as he's been on Iran. I don't know how he sleeps at night. I suppose years of leftist ideology teachings have left their mark.
UPDATE: The story initially linked was inaccurate and nothing has changed: our State Department and President are still trying to tar the interim government with the word "coup" and still working to cut their aid and force them to accept the dictator instead of their constitution.
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