Although the Commies collapsed long ago, we still don't have the complete file on what they knew of Bond. This is from From Russia With Love:
First name: JAMES. Height: 183 centimeters; weight: 76 kilograms; slim build; eyes: blue; hair: black; scar down right cheek and on left shoulder; signs of plastic surgery on back of right hand (see Appendix A); all-round athlete; expert pistol shot, boxer, knife-thrower; does not use disguises. Languages: French and German. Smokes heavily (N.B.: special cigarettes with three gold bands); vices: drink, but not to excess, and women. Not thought to accept bribes.
This man is invariably armed with a .25 Beretta automatic carried in a holster under his left arm. Magazine holds eight rounds. Has been known to carry a knife strapped to his left forearm; has used steel capped shoes; knows the basic holds of judo. In general, fights with tenacity and has a high tolerance of pain (see Appendix B).
Although the appendices were not included in the novel, Appendix A would have been from Casino Royale when he ran into a SMERSH assassin (who was hunting someone else). The SMERSH agent carved the SMERSH emblem on Bond's hand. M later made Bond get a skin graft to cover it. Appendix B could have referenced the torture Bond endured in that same story, but also could've referenced his torture in Live & Let Die when Mr. Big had Bond's finger broken.
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